Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Welcome to New Semester and Welcome Big Problem

     Hello guys, welcome back to my new post at this time.. I just very busy and yeah.. I have had holiday for a week but i thought it was not holiday. This post is no sense again but i just want to share about my new plan for this semester. I chose 6 courses , this is less than last semester. Here we go my new courses:

  • Kapita selekta dan kewirausahaan
  • Teori Birokrasi Administrasi
  • Kebijakan Finansial & Fiskal
  • Seminar isu-isu pembangunan
  • Seminar isu-isu lingkungan 
  • Seminar isu-isu kebijakan publik
So what! This courses is interesting but this 3 courses will become some problem for me. "seminar" , you know this word? you know the menaing of this word? yes...  this definetely ..absolutely you have to speak up your mind in front of many people ... it will become big nervous for me because i am an introvert.
 Yes, i like this courses and i love it about the topics and i can't feeling elated because my life is uncomplite :( . So what i have to do? i can't be better on speaking in front of many people //


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