Senin, 05 Januari 2015


"Into the new world" Ballad Heart

   This is my first post about K-pop. Huh why I want to post about it? Lately I was in process to move on from k-pop world because I have more activities what I have to do in my real world and another reason is about Jessica ex SNSD ( it's really hurt me when I wrote 'ex'). In the first time I was reading about Jessica leaving, I was very angry and cussed the SM ent , what the fuck .. what the hell about this life???? but along with time , i was realize about what everyone can't understand behind what was happened.

But in the end of 2014 is made me so sad. When I was watching Jessica cried, just ..oh my God, what was people did with all of these. You can read the article about Jessica cried here.

   And then when SNSD hold a tour in Tokyo Dome , it is also made me more hurt... This place is one of SNSD dream with Jessica but when now SNSD is uncomplete. The saddest thing is when SNSD give the highlight when they are miss Jessica. Not just about Tokyo dome but about the first song for their debut. 'into the new world' ballad version is changed be so sad song. Into the new world without Jessica. I can't hold my tears here  T_T. Let's check this video below:


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